Physical Resources


iLIDH is located in the municipality with the highest indicators of quality of life in the metropolitan area of Lisbon –  Municipality of Mafra.

iLIDH’s operational headquarters is located in an XVIII Century noble room of one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal finalists – Mafra National Palace. The working meetings between the executive team and iLIDH’s institutional partners in diverse projects are held in this office.

iLIDH’s official Headquarters is located in a rural farmhouse, with exceptional conditions to design innovative projects, in Azueira, known for its vineyards and velvet coloured orchards.


Heading to Safe Harbour


With a strong maritime tradition in its methodologies, iLIDH has a boat that is used in training opportunities and in institutional relationships. PORT.ILIR is the boat that takes us to port “ilir” (free) – the sea – the place of freedom and creativity for our teams and partners.